Episode 11
Sam 3rd from left Dizzy Heights – the Pest Controller Asian and European Hornets Bob Hogge and Alistair Christie Tony and Jess
Uninvited Guests 2. More from Sam Day. Some of the solutions that might slow the spread of the Asian Hornet.
Following on from episode 10, we learn about some of the tracking methods being used in Jersey. The island already has asian hornet nests but the situation would be much worse without the intervention thus far. The mainland can learn much from Jersey about how to control this new invasive species. There’s some amazing inventions and ideas coming online all the time, from radio telemetry to the use of sniffer dogs. And, of course, the eyes of UK beekeepers and the general public will be key in the fight; with the important message “See it, snap it, send it!”. Download the Asian Hornet Watch app at Google Play or Apple Store
BBKA Asian Hornet info: https://www.bbka.org.uk/FAQs/identifying-asian-hornet National Bee Unit: http://www.nationalbeeunit.com/index.cfm?sectionid=117 The Asian Hornet Handbook (Sarah Bunker): https://www.asianhornethandbook.com/ The Jersey Asian Hornet Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/293640477963172/
Episode 12
The Beekeepers. Chris comes to see Patrick’s hives on James’ land. Bees living in conventional hives, russian hives, and their natural home: a log.
It’s now 5 months since we launched our podcast. Despite lockdown and the continuing global pandemic, the bees have been as busy as ever. They are the great survivors. This year we’ve seen plentiful swarms and a good excess of honey. Patrick is keen to show Chris his hives on James’ land nearby in Wiltshire.
At the end of the beekeeping season, it’s a nice opportunity to discuss the different “establishments” in which bees can live and thrive. A swarm has even been known to set up home in a traffic cone! We haven’t got one of those but our log hive (supplied by http://beekindhives.uk) was occupied by a swarm within a week.
Episode 13
King Solomon. Gladstone Solomon, a bee farmer on the island of Tobago, tells us about his fascinating beekeeping career.
Gladstone manages c. 100 hives on the island of Tobago where the climate is very different from ours; with exotic foraging plants. Gladstone tells us all about the honey, the forage and the challenges for new beekeepers on the island. We were also lucky enough to chat with Sharon, his wife; the other half of the family business who has found a niche for herself making soaps and cosmetics from beehive products. With tales of stingless bees and bee safaris, this is a rare insight into another world of beekeeping. Sit back, close your eyes and imagine yourself transported to a tropical bee paradise.
Honey Extraction Wild comb in a top bar hive Looks Hot! Bee Safaris Bee Safaris Lunch The Honey Flows
Episode 14
Frontline Defence. James Fearnley explains the huge health benefits of propolis.
Many people will never have heard of propolis – the bees’ secret weapon against infection. They collect sticky tree resin, bring it back to the hive and manipulate it into a substance that lines the nest or coats foreign bodies (even dead mice!) to block out unwanted bacteria and infection. Mankind has long known of this product and used it to boost immunity and cure illnesses, treat toothache etc. Researching and using this substance as a medicine could be a vital defence tool in a new pandemic-prevalent world. James Fearnley is a man of extraordinary achievements who has dedicated a large part of his life to the research of hive products beneficial to health – in particular propolis. He founded the International Propolis Research Group (IPRG) and, more recently, the Bee Arc (www.beearc.com). His company BeeVital (www.beevitalpropolis.com) was set up to research and explore the many pharmacological and clinical properties of propolis. Pictures and show notes available at: www.livingbeeing.com.
Episode 15
Bee Beats. Bioni Samp on his amazing music inspired by the bees. Get your dance shoes on! It’s been very exciting for us to discover Bioni Samp. Well-known on the mainland-Europe dance club and festival circuit, the mysteriously named Bioni Samp is a fascinating blend of musician, beekeeper and environmentalist. He is passionate about bees and their vital place in our natural world. His aim is to enthuse, educate and entertain. Bioni is involved in a number of bee-related projects and has set up a number of initiatives and creative learning spaces – most notably in Finsbury Park in London where you can visit his Bee House! More info plus videos available on our website: www.livingbeeing.com. Find out about Bioni’s music, videos to see: https://bionisamp.wordpress.com